So, I'm checking out this book today and ya know how the author always puts quotes right underneath the chapter number and they are usually insightful? Well, I was reading through this book and came across this quote from Thomas A Kempis:
"Although we cannot always preserve our recollection, yet we must do so from time to time, and at least once a day, either in the morning or in the evening. In the morning form your intention, and at night examine your conduct, what you have done, said, adn though during the day, for in each of these you may have often offended both God and your neighbor."
While I do not agree with all of what A Kempis stood for, this quote knocked me out like Rocky.
We should totally wake up with the intention of doing things, yes, but do we take a look back on our day and realize what actually happened? I know I don't do this, but it is something I'm gonna try. I think if we look back on our day and see that we hurt God or our neighbor, it is kind of like a gut check to see how well we are following God's Word.
With saying that, I urge that of course you cannot be perfect, but maybe you are hurting God or your neighbor a lot more than you know. This would be a perfect way to fix some of those problems.
Just something to think about.