Thursday, November 15, 2007

WhyI Live

Last night, we started the new series WhyI. Through the various weeks we will check out why we do the things we do. It's a very exciting series that I am totally stoked to start.

Last night's topic was Why I Live. Some may ask the question, what is my purpose? Why am I living? For some, that question was answered last night. For some, well, they may have to look a little deeper.

I want to reinforce something that was taught last night. So many of us want to know what our purpose is, but don't chase after it. What is it going to take for you to go after something.

Last night we talked about existing vs. living. I said that there may be some that are sitting in the chairs that are just existing. They are here to be born, grow up, get through school, college, get a good job, get married, have kids, and die with no purpose except for getting through life. Then we have the opposite side of the spectrum. We have teens that are avid followers of Christ who go and seek out what their purpose may be.

I challenge you to go out, get off your butt and look to see what God has for you. Try things! Read the Bible, pray about it. What does God have in store for you?

Reach for it. Grab it. Run with it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Exciting Things Happening!!!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted and I'm sorry. Some crazy cool things are happening at Imitate and in case you haven't been with us for a while, let me share with you some of these things.

First, this past Wednesday we formed our small groups. I'm really excited about these groups and I think you all should too. We have four groups led by four excellent leaders and I'm excited to get them off of the ground. I hope you all are excited too and will take full advantage of these times.

Second, we had our barn party this past Friday. It was rockin'! We had a couple people come in and do some break dancing as well as a suprise by Godsent, a Christian rapper, who came and gave us a little taste of Christian hip-hop.

Third, we had a great time at the Family Force 5 Concert on Sunday! It was blast and everyone had a great time jumpin' around and having a great time.

Finally, we are starting a new series this Wednesday called WhyI. This new series will take a look at why we do the things we do. I'm excited for this series. I'm excited to study for this series, and I hope that you are ready to hear what God has to say through this series. So come join us on Wednesday nights as we find out why we do the things we do!

I truly believe God has big plans for the youth group and I cannot wait to see what He is going to do. Keep praying for the Lord to lead this youth group where he would like it to be.