Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dream Possibly Come True....

So, ever since I was a kid I loved to read. I loved reading all sorts of books. Then came the teenage years, and reading started to diminsh. I hated reading. Wasn't a big fan at all. Then came college and stuff that I had to read wasn't so bad, mainly because I was interested in the subject at hand.

Even though I had that period of time where I hated to read, I've always wanted to write and publish a book. It's been on my heart for a while, and I've never really taken the steps to go about it.

Then all of a sudden I read an article about one of our Fellowship's Pastors, Kary Oberbrunner, writing a couple of books. I thought to myself, "He's young and a great guy". So after thinking about it more and more, I've come to the realization that it certainly wouldn't hurt to at least write something and submit it for publishing, would it?

So, friends, I ask you your opinion....Think About It! Give me your honest answer...

Should I or shouldn't I write a book?

Leave comments with your answer!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Leadership Learnings...

On Sunday mornings in Sunday School, we've been looking at this guy, Nehemiah. I'm amazed that only 2 chapters in you find amazing insights to leadership. As part of my studying, I'm always looking at multiple commentaries, word studies, etc. In one of my favorite commentaries a segment is highlighted about a guy who came up with 21 characteristics from the first 2 chapters in Nehemiah. Here they are:

1. He established a reasonable and attainable goal
2. He had a sense of mission
3. He was willing to get involved
4. He rearranged his priorities in order to accomplish his goal
5. He patiently waited for God's timing
6. He showed respect to his superior
7. He prayed at crucial times
8. He made his request with tact and graciousness
9. He was well prepared and though of his needs in advance
10. He went through proper channels
11. He took time to rest, pray, and plan
12. He investigated the situation first-hand
13. He informed others only after he knew the size of the problem
14. He identified himself as one with the people
15. He set before them a reasonable and attainable goal
16. He assured them God was in the project
17. He displayed self-confidence in facing obstacles
18. He displayed God's confidence in facing obstacles
19. He did not argue with opponents
20. He was not discouraged by opposition
21. He courageously used the authority of his position

Amazing stuff. Think about it! This guy was a leader among leaders and did incredible things!